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Based on the history and blood gases in each case below, determine: a.) whether the patient has metabolic or respiratory acidosis or alkalosis b.) whether the condition is compensated or not and your rationale for this answer 1.Derek Taylor age 23, was brought to the emergency department (ED) with acute shortness of breath and dizziness. He began breathing quickly, felt lightheaded, and eventually “passed out” before his pathophysiology exam. Currently, his blood pressure is 144/82 mm Hg: his pulse is 112 beats/minute; and his respiratory rate is 36 breaths/minute. His ABG values are as follows: .PH: 7.50 • Paco : 29 mm Hg .HCO,- 24 mm Hg la.) Condition? 1b.) Compensated? How do you know? 2. Jamie Swift, 38, is brought to the ED for an overdose of heroin. She is unconscious and has a respiratory rate of 6 breaths/minute. Her ABG values are as follows: . pH: 7.29 • Pacoy: 76 mm Hg • HCO,- 33 mm Hg 2a.) Condition? 2b.) Compensated or not? How do you know? 3.Sarah Jones, 18, has type 1 diabetes. She has been sick with the flu for the past 4 days and hasn’t been eating or drinking well. She is confused and lethargic. Her respiratory rate is 30 breaths/minute. Her serum glucose level is 596 mg/dL. Her ABG values are: pH: 7.15 • Paco : 30 mm Hg .HCO,15 mm Hg 3a. Condition? He began breathing quickly, felt lightheaded, and eventually “passed out” before his pathophysiology exam. Currently, his blood pressure is 144/82 mm Hg; his pulse is 112 beats/minute; and his respiratory rate is 36 breaths/minute. His ABG values are as follows: .PH: 7.50 • Paco : 29 mm Hg • HCO3-: 24 mm Hg 1a.) Condition? 1b.) Compensated? How do you know? 2.Jamie Swift, 38, is brought to the ED for an overdose of heroin. She is unconscious and has a respiratory rate of 6 breaths/minute. Her ABG values are as follows: .PH: 7.29 • Paco : 76 mm Hg • HCO,- 33 mm Hg 2a.) Condition? 2b.) Compensated or not? How do you know? 3.Sarah Jones, 18, has type 1 diabetes. She has been sick with the flu for the past 4 days and hasn’t been eating or drinking well. She is confused and lethargic. Her respiratory rate is 30 breaths/minute. Her serum glucose level is 596 mg/dL. Her ABG values are: pH: 7.15 • Paco : 30 mm Hg • HC0,-: 15 mm Hg 3a.) Condition? 3b.) Compensated or not? How do you know? 4. Interpret the following urinalysis findings: a.) Urine has a specific gravity of 1.080 (normal 1.005-1.030) b.) Urine is clear c.) Urine contains protein d.) Urine contains cell casts
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