Below is a list of signs that a person is approaching end oflife, what changes to look for and why it may be occurring.Complete the column how you can help.
Signs of imminent death |
Changes to look out for and why it may behappening. |
How can you help |
Sleeping more |
Several months before the end of life, a dying person may beginto sleep more than usual. As you get closer to death, your body’smetabolism falls. Without a steady natural supply of energy,fatigue and tiredness easily win out. |
Eating and drinking less |
Energy needs decrease as you get older. Because you don’t needas much energy to carry out daily tasks, food and drinks seem lessnecessary. People who are near death may not even be interested insome of their favourite foods. A few days before death, yourconsumer may stop eating or drinking entirely. |
Withdrawing from people |
It’s not uncommon for people who are dying to slowly withdrawfrom the activities and people they love. This is a naturalreflection of changes in energy, as well as a desire to protecttheir final days and hours. |
Changing vital signs |
Blood pressure dips near death. Changes in breathing become moreobvious, and heartbeats become irregular and difficult to detect.As blood pressure falls, the kidneys will stop working, too. urinethat is tan, brown, or rust-coloured is common. |
Hallucinations |
You may have heard of dying people saying they see long-goneloved ones in their final days. Hallucinations and visions of otherplaces or people aren’t uncommon either. |
Changing waste functions Constipation, diarrhea, urine output |
As your consumer eats less food and drinks fewer fluids, bowelmovements may become smaller and irregular. Likewise, urinating maybecome infrequent. After eating and drinking stops entirely, theymay not need to use the restroom at all. This is a natural process,so don’t be alarmed if they stop taking trips to the bathroom.Changes in urine colour are normal too. They reflect kidneyfunction, and as the kidneys shut down, urine production may slowor stop. |
Dropping body temperature |
Blood circulation draws inward toward your vital organs in thefinal days. That means blood circulation in places like your hands,feet, and legs are greatly reduced. That can lead to skin and limbsthat feel cool to the touch. The skin may appear pale, too.Eventually, the reduced circulation may cause skin to take on amottled blue-purple look. |
Weakening muscles |
In the final days before death, muscles can become very weak.Simple tasks, like lifting a cup of water or turning over in bed,may become difficult. |
Breathing troubles |
These breathing fluctuations may include changes in breathing,sudden gasps for air, or long stretches of time betweenbreaths. |
Increasing confusion |
The brain remains very active during the dying phase. However,it’s not uncommon for a person who is dying to have moments ofconfusion or incoherence. Some people may become restless andaggressive if they don’t know where they are or what’shappening. |