Bert is a 61-year-old man who has been diagnosed with stableangina. He will be discharged soon, so the provider is speakingwith him and his wife, Gladys, about his plan of care.
11. Which of the following statements made by Bert wouldindicate the need for further teaching?
A “Try to limit how much alcohol is consumed so it doesn’tinterfere with my medication.”
B. “Pain, tightness, or heaviness in the chest, arm, neck, orjaw are not normal and I should seek care immediately.”
C. “Do not take simvastatin with grapefruit juice. Grapefruitjuice increases the level of simvastatin in your blood and makesside effects more likely.”
- “Avoid salty and fatty foods. Stay away from fast-foodrestaurants. Try to eat a healthy diet.”
12. Before teaching Bert and Gladys about maintaining aheart-healthy diet, you will determine the client’s readiness tolearn by assessing his:
A. Cognitive and sensory abilities
B. Ability to recognize the need to learn
C. Comfort level and willingness to learn
D. Knowledge and previous experience with dieting
Client Education Theory and Principles
13. When it comes to client education, your job as aprovider is to:
A. Avoid teaching the client anything they are capable offinding out and understanding on their own so you don’t offendthem
B. Bridge the gap between what a client knows and what a litientneeds to know
C. Avoid telling the client the risks involved in any procedure,just stick to the good stuff
D. Tell the client exactly what they should do, with no room forempathy or their input
14. Which of the following assumptions are important tomake with regard to adult learning? Select allthat apply:
A. Differences in background, learning preferences, motivation,needs, interests, and goals creates a greater need for individualteaching and learning strategies.
B. Adult learners need to be seen and treated as capable andself-directed.
C. Educators can treat adult learners the same way they wouldtreat children they are teaching.
D. Adult learners don’t learn as fast as their youngercounterparts.
E. Educators must help adults become aware of their “need toknow” and make a case for the value of learning.
- Adults want to apply learning in the present, which makestraining focused on the future or training that does not relate tocurrent situations less effective.