Bobby jo Sparrow, age 16, is a new mother whose child admittedto the neonatal intensive care unit because of a neural tubedisorder and congenital hip dysplasia. Ms. Sparrow is obviouslyupset over the diagnosis. She says I’m a good person. The onlything I did wrong during pregnancy was to take some cough medicine,so how this has happened?
1. Bobby Jo Sparrow is a 16-year-old teenager whose newborn hasbeen admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit because of neuraltube disorder and congenital hip dysplasia. Ms. Sparrow isobviously upset over the diagnosis. She says,” I’m a good person.The only thing I did wrong during pregnancy was to take some coughmedicine, so how could this have happened?” How would you answerher? What type of advice would be most helpful to her?
2. Baby Sparrow has developmental hip dysplasia and will beplaced in a Pavlik harness. What suggestions could you make to hismother to help her instill a strong sense of trust in her child? Asense of autonomy?
3. You notice Baby Sparrow’s mother is obviously upset at herchild’s appearance. She does not want to feed the baby and voicesthe though of placing him for adoption. In contrast, the child’sfather, age 22, handles the baby warmly and asks questions aboutsurgery. No grandparents visit. What interventions would you wantto begin with this family?
4. Examine the National Health Goals related to children bornwith physical and developmental disorders. Mostgovernment-sponsored funds for nursing research are allotted basedon these goals. What would be a possible research topic to explorepertinent to these goals that would be applicable to the Sparrowfamily and also advance evidence-based practice?