Phil is a 42-year-old man brought by ambulance to his localemergency department following a prolonged seizure at home. Theseizure resolved with medication received in the hospital. This wasPhil’s first seizure. There is no family history of seizures.
On regaining consciousness, Phil complained of altered visionand increasing headaches. He has no previous medical history and ison no regular medication.
Following CT & biopsy, Phil was diagnosed as having aglioblastoma tumor in the occipital lobe.
Patients Profile:
• Height: 1.85m
• Weight: 90kg
• Vital signs: BP 150/95, Pulse 74/min, resp. 16/min, temp. 36.9C, O2 saturation 97%
• Neurological: Glasgow Coma Scale CS 15/15; E(4) V(5) M(6);complaining of right-sided diploplia, with a ptosis on the sameside.
• Psycho-social: Lives with partner, lawyer, plays occasionalsport, social, light drinker, and smoker (1 pack/day)
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