Question: Calculate and compare the glomerular filtration rate (or plasma
clearance) for 3 animals. Recall …
Calculate and compare the glomerular filtration rate (or plasma
clearance) for 3 animals. Recall blood volume for all animals is
about 7% body weight for all mammals and that blood is 55% plasma
and 45% cells. In all animals we will assume the concentrations are
the same (this would depend on the amount of inulin injected, and
in general concentrations do not vary with body size). In this case
Urine concentration is 80 mg/L and plasma concentration is 2 mg/L.
What does vary is urine flow rate. Shrew = 2 µL/min. Deer = 3
mL/min. Elephant = 100 mL/min.
For each animal below calculate: 1) GFR and 2) the time required
to completely filter a volume of plasma equal to the entire plasma
volume of the animal
a) What is the GFR (plasma clearance) for a 60 kg deer?
b) What is the GFR for a 9 g desert shrew?
c) What is the GFR for a 5500 kg elephant
Also recall that 1 L of liquid (with density of water) weighs 1
KG (this is from your previous homework)