Can you please assist with response for thefollowing (minimum 150 words)


1. Explain health care consumer empowerment.

2. Discuss the effects of health care consumer empowerment onhealth care outcomes.

3. What approaches can a professional nurse take to empowerhealth care consumers and why is this important?

The healthcare system at times can be really difficult tounderstand or frustrating to navigate and many people would rathernot bother or simply just give up trying to get information. Tryingto understand all the different insurance plans that are offered,or even trying to understand the pricing can be so confusing.Thankfully, my job offers employees insurance and that makes thingssimple, but I once took a look at an insurance website and it gaveme such a headache. Not only that trying to understand what or whycertain things or procedures may not be covered really deters apatient from wanting to follow up on their care. Patients can alsobecome lost in the system and often not put in the center of theattention. An empowered healthcare consumer is a patient who iswell informed on the many options they have in front of them.Patients feel more comfortable in speaking up for themselves oradvocating for themselves. Patients do not just settle for whattheir insurance company gives them, they research and look for thebest options that work for them.

2-      When patients are betterinformed and knowledgeable about their healthcare options, thenpatients feel more trusting or willing in wanting to cooperate withtheir care plan. Patients that become empowered and know how tonavigate the system have a better understanding of the many optionsthey may have access to and do not have to settle for bare minimum.We many see better cooperation from patients, which in turns meansdeclining numbers of preventable diseases.

3-      A Nurse should explain allthe option that their patient may have available to them. Patientsdo not like to feel limited; healthcare options should not betreated as linear. Nurses should adapt to and work in making suretheir patient fully understands what options they have available tothem. Its important for Nurses to inform and to educate theirpatients. Patients have a rise in complications because the cost ofsome medicines is out of their budget. Nurses can show theirpatients alternative options to help decreases the cost of theirmedications. Giving hand-outs, or showing videos, giving pamphletsor cards to help inform their patients.

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