Cardiovascular coding (both diagnosis and procedure coding) is ahigh-fail subject on the CPC exam. Participation is stronglyrecommended to enhance your knowledge of this complex subject.

This week’s topic is the Surgery section for the Cardiovascularsystem. This section cover a variety of procedures, based primarilyon the circulatory system, which includes blood vessels (arteriesand veins), the heart, cardiac circulation, and relatedprocedures.

The largest portion of these codes are found in thecardiovascular system. Codes in the cardiovascular system can besupplemented with codes from the radiology section and themedicine-cardiovascular sections. There are also very detailedguidelines, which include coding instructions, definitions anddocumentation guidance.

Category III also has a number of CPT codes for new technologyin cardiovascular surgery and non-invasive procedures. This canalso be a good source for discussion topics. HCPCS also has anumber of cardiac procedures and can either be coded with CPT codesor reported alone.

This creates a wide range of opportunities for some really goodposts in this discussion. There should be very few duplicate topicsthis week. Duplicate subjects will not earn credit. Read beforeposting to ensure you aren’t repeating similar discussion topicsthat have been posted by other classmates.

The requirements for this week are:

  • 1 original post, addressing the guidelines and codes forcardiovascular surgery. The focus needs to be on the guidelines,explained in your own words. Include the CPT code associated withthe guideline.
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