Case 1 (Chapter 31): Alterations inRenal and Urinary Tract Function
Source: Copstead, L. & Banasik, J. (2006).Pathophysiology (3rd ed.). Mosby.
P.W. was the victim of a hit-and-run auto-pedestrian accidentand suffered multiple abrasions, a concussion, and a deeplaceration of the left thigh. He was discovered approximately 2hours after the incident and is now in the emergency department.P.W.’s vital signs and hematocrit suggest that he has had a majorblood loss of about 2000 ml. A catheter is inserted to monitorurine output, and P.W. is fluid resuscitated while his wounds arecleaned and sutured. The urine output is quite low, with high urineosmolality and low urine sodium.
Case Questions
- What type of renal failure isP.W. at risk for developing?
- What is the best therapy topreventing renal failure?
- In view of the low urineoutput, high osmolality, and low sodium, what stage is P.W.currently in?
- In addition to urine output,what laboratory data should be monitored to assess changes inP.W.’s renal function?
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