CASE: Joan Stivers, RD, noted on the medical record that herpatient, John Jones, age 63, was 5’11” tall and weighed 250 pounds.A retiree, he was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Joan stopped by his hospital room to see him, introduced herself,and told him that the purpose of her visit was to discuss hiscurrent food intake. During the conversation, Mr. Jones and hisroommate were watching a baseball game on television andperiodically commented briefly on the plays and players. Finally,Mr. Jones said, “You need to talk to my wife, not me. She does thecooking.” Just then, the physician came by to make his rounds.
BOOK THE CASE TOKEN FROM IS: Nutrition Counseling andEducation skills: A guide for professionals 7theditionHolli & Beto. please help me solve the 3 questionsbelow
Q1)) What did Mr jones’s verbal statements tell youabout his attitude toward his health?
Q2))What did you notice about Mr jones’s verbalbehavior?
Q3)) What would you say about Mr jones’s listeningskills?
please provide detailed answers!!!!!