Case Scenario :

Matthew is an 18 years old male patient who was diagnosed withbone cancer and is suffering excruciating pain. After severallaboratory and radiologic tests, the results showed that his cancerhas metastasized to his brain and lymph. Matthew’s parents canhardly recognize their son’s face with all the swelling. Thephysicians have informed Mathew’s parents that there is norealistic chance of being cured and that he is now on many painkillers and other treatments that are failing to completely controlhis pain. It is determined that any further surgical or medicaltreatment would not be appreciated and that palliative care is thenext step to be taken in this case. At this point Matthew’s parentsreported to the medical team that they have accepted the fact thattheir son was going to die and are praying that it would happen assoon as possible to decrease his suffering but are thankful for thefew moments or days left that they could spend at his side.Meanwhile, Matthew discussed with one of the nurses that he wouldlike to hasten his death by any painless intravenous drug and heasked the nurse not to tell anyone. The nurse felt very emotionaland has decided to end Matthew’s suffering by administering an IVpotassium so that no one would recognize the cause of hisdeath.

Q1:Ethical Mapping and Decision Making: (20 marks)

 If you believe that the decision was morally right (asindicated in your previous step) you need to justify your decisionusing one or more of the learned ethical theories.

 If you believe that the decision was morally not right (asindicated in your previous step) you need to state your alternativedecision followed by a clear moral justification using one or moreof the learned ethical theories.

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