Case Scenario:
You are an Enrolled Nurse employed in a Primary Health clinic. Aregular client of the clinic, Mr McFarlane, who was diagnosed withType 2 diabetes 8 months ago, has presented to your clinic todaywith increasing deterioration in his diabetes. The doctor has nowprescribed insulin twice daily for Mr McFarlane and an increase inBGL monitoring to 4 times/ day to assist in lowering his bloodglucose levels. You have been asked by the Registered Nurse of theclinic to assist Mr McFarlane and his wife with understanding anddemonstrating how to include the doctor’s recommendations intotheir routine.
Review of Character Briefs:
Mr George McFarlane. Male, aged 53 years. Married for 5 yearswith 3 children.
Mr McFarlane’s background includes:
- Occupation – Long haul truck driver
- Earns good money
- Away from home a lot – not there to support family
- Overweight – 135kg
- Hypertension
- Uses watching television and beer to cope with stress
- Smoker
- Diet preferences are Australian. Often has a poor diet when onthe road for work including ‘fatty food from truck stops’
- Unknown social support and external interests
- Has osteoarthritis in (L) knee
- Reliant on wife, Yu Yang, to complete all domestic duties as heis not self-sufficient.
Mrs Yu Yang McFarlane is Mr McFarlane’s wife. She is 38 yearsold. Mrs McFarlane’s background includes:
- Came to Australian as a university student
- Fell pregnant at the age of 19 – did not marry
- Married George 5 years ago
- Has 3-year old twins at home
- One twin has developmental disorder
- English language is good
- Was/Is isolated with no extended family
- Prefers to cook Asian food
- Needed help with raising child and so she invited her Chinesemother to come to Australia to help out.
Outline five (5) resources available for MrMcFarlane and his wife to assist with gaining information on hisdiagnosis of diabetes and how to develop a healthier lifestyle.Provide details on what the resource offers and how it can assistMr McFarlane and his wife. You can consider in your answer onlineand community clinics in your area. You can include lifestyleresources such as weight loss programs, diabetes programs and otherservices available. |
Resource: | Information/ services provided to assist Mr McFarlaneand his wife |
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