Sammy is a newborn boy at 32 hours of life. His birthweight was 8 pounds. He was born via normal spontaneous vaginalbirth at 40 weeks of gestation to a 26-year-old G1. There were nomaternal prenatal issues. Labor and delivery were complicated by aprolonged second stage of labor, which eventually progressed tospontaneous birth. The Apgar scores were 6 and 8, and the infantwas taken to the nursery for an observation period; he receivedintravenous (IV) fluids but did well and so was discharged to theroutine care in the mother’s room at 12 hours of life. Sammy wasnoted to have facial bruising and a cephalhematoma, which wereattributed to the prolonged second stage of labor. All newbornblood work was normal. The group B streptococcal culture wasnegative. Maternal blood type is A+. Exclusive breastfeeding wasinitiated at 12 hours of life. On physical examination, Sammy hassome jaundice evident on the chest and torso.
1. What risk factors does Sammy have forhyperbilirubinemia?