Case Study 1:
The school nurse is caring for a 9-year-old malestudent, Franklin, who has a diagnosis of ADHD. He has recentlystarted taking a psychostimulant medication to treat this and hasreported that he has not been sleeping well.
Create a poster that outlines present his caseincluding:
Symptoms present and assessments tocomplete
What symptoms were likely to present prior to startingmedications?
Planning and interventions
Pharmacological and non-pharmacologicalinterventions
What side effects may he experience with medications andwhat other options exist?
Evaluation of Outcomes—how do you know your care waseffective
Education—both for the pt and his family.
Case Study 2:
The nurse is caring for a 15-year-old male patient,Ramon, who arrived to an inpatient psychiatric unit with aggressivebehaviors and frequent irritability with a volatile, violentoutburst at home and at school. He frequently gets into fights, hasstarted making poor decisions, and has become hypersexual. Hisguardian says that he has had periods of increased irritability andapathy, but the aggressive behaviors are new for him in the pastmonth.
Create a poster that outlines present her caseincluding:
Symptoms present and assessments tocomplete
What diagnosis would he likely have a diagnosisof?
Planning and interventions
Pharmacological and non-pharmacologicalinterventions
Evaluation of Outcomes—how do you know your care waseffective
Education—both for the pt and her family
Case Study 3:
The nurse is caring for a 14-year-old male patient,Jacob, with stereotypical behaviors. He is very rigid and changedisturbs him significantly. He is cognitively delayed and studiesin a special education classroom where he does work at a 3-gradelevel. He when he gets upset, his reaction is to start running andhe ran away from the after-school program last week and was foundabout 1 mile from the school. He has poor social skills and doesnot understand others jokes and has trouble with imaginative play.He likes to build things and is very gifted in his special skillsbut struggles when peers or a teacher interrupt hisbuilding.
Create a poster that outlines present his caseincluding:
Symptoms present and assessments tocomplete
What is a likely diagnosis for thispatient?
Planning and interventions
Pharmacological and non-pharmacologicalinterventions
Evaluation of Outcomes—how do you know your care waseffective
Education—both for the pt and his family
What will likely happen next for thischild?
Case Study 4:
You are caring for a 13-year-old male patient, Kevin,who has a intellectual developmental disability. He has startedgoing through puberty and does not understand when people do notwant hugs and to be touched in inappropriate places. He functionsat the neurodevelopmental level of a 3 or 4 year old. When he getsupset, he throws tantrums, that are age appropriate for hisdevelopmental age, but he is a large child and his family strugglesto control his tantrums. He has gotten into fights at school oversmall things and his teachers also need help with him.
Create a poster that outlines presents his caseincluding:
Symptoms present and assessments tocomplete
Planning and interventions
Pharmacological and non-pharmacologicalinterventions
Evaluation of Outcomes—how do you know your care waseffective
Education—both for the pt and his family