Case Study : A 57-year-old African-American woman is seen at anurgent care clinic for a headache not relieved by acetaminophen oribuprofen Physical examination reveals an overweight woman who isshort of breath from the walk to the examination room. Her fingersare puffy with tight rings that she is unable to remove . The womanreports she has a history of cigarette smokingprimary hypertension,high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. From these risk factors andthe initial impression, the staff fears some form of heart disease,and the woman is transported to a nearby emergency department forfurther evaluation.

1. The leading cause of coronary artery and cerebrovasculardisease is:
a. Dyslipidemia
b. Hypertension
C. Obesity
d. Atherosclerosis
2. While in the emergency department, the woman begins tocomplain of indigestion. The emergency department staff knows thatthis sensation may be angina pectoris, which is caused by:
a. An increase in nitrates
b. Valvular stenosis .
C. Autonomic nervous system dysfunction
d. The buildup of lactic acid
3. The emergency room nurse hooks the patient up to an ECGduring her pain. Describe the findings on an ECG that would beindiciative of myocardial ischemia.
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