Case Study
Caring for Clients Requiring Orthopedic Treatment
Janice Watts, a 24-year-old female client, is admitted after amotor vehicle crash for a closed reduction of the left fibula andtibia fractures and application of a cylinder plaster cast becauseof the edema present. The client had previously used crutches andhas a pair of crutches. She will be non–weight-bearing. The vitalsigns are T, 98° F; BP, 120/70 mm Hg; HR, 78 beats/ minute; RR, 20breaths/minute. She stated the pain is relieved after the narcoticanalgesic was provided 30 minutes earlier and that she iscomfortable. The client had suffered a concussion as well and willremain in the hospital for the next 24 hours. The client has noknown allergies. She has no previous hospitalizations and does nottake any medications. The LPN/LVN will need to take care of theclient after she has the cast applied in the casting room.
Here are the possible medication that can be given to this
Renal profile: BUN, 40 mg/dL; serum creatinine, 1.8 mg/dL; Na+,135 mEq/L; Cl, 95 mEq/L; K+, 4 mEq/L
The LPN/LVN needs to determine the necessary nursing managementfor the client, update the RN, and talk with the physician forfurther orders.
Height 6 inches
Weight 230lbs
Oxygen was ordered 2 L per nasal cannula; titrated to keepSaO2 90% or above. The nurse provided the oxygen, andthe SaO2 is 90%. The physician wants to be called oncethe labs are obtained and results of the CBC and renal profile areback. The ordered labs are on the chart and as follows: CBC: WBC,15,000 mcL; RBC, 4.1 million; Hgb, 15 g/100 mL; Hct, 37%; Plt,150,000.
- List one medication that you may hold based on medicationand/or lab values. What is the rationale for the patient havingthis medication? What is the rationale for you holding it?
- What are the clinical manifestations of your patient’sadmitting dx? _
- What can you teach the patient about their admitting dx and howthey can improve their health status?
- Does the patient’s admitting dx have a co-morbidity thataffects their admitting dx? If so…how? ____