Ms. Amina, a 50-year-old client was diagnosed withhyperthyroidism. She was referred to a surgeon, and was advised toundergo thyroidectomy as management for her goiter. After thesurgeon has explained to her the nature of the surgery, itsbenefits and potential complications, she decided to undergosurgery and signed the consent form.
However, a day before the surgery, Ms. Amina informedthe nurse that she is withdrawing her consent for surgery andfollow the advice of her relatives to take medication and considerherbal therapy to treat her condition.
Guide Questions:
- As the nurse assigned to Ms. Amina, what will be your nextaction? (Please limit discussion to 150 to 200 wordsonly) (5 marks)
- what do you think is the importance of informed consent to theclient and to you as a health careprovider? (Please limit discussion to 150 to200 words only) (5 marks)
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