Case Study: Focus on Nutrient Density – Fiber and Sugars
Jennifer, a 20-year-old college student, is concerned abouther diet after learning about sugars and fiber in her nutritionclass. After viewing her NutriCalc Plus dietary intake reports, sherealizes that her diet provides less than half of the recommendeddaily intake of dietary fiber for a 20-year-old.
• (10 points) Create new meals and snacks to help boostJennifer’s fiber intake. For each suggestion, record the totalfiber for that item in the column to right. After completing yournew menu, answer the questions below.
Jennifer’s Usual Menu New Menu Items Fiber (in grams)
1 ½ cups sugar-frosted cornflakes cereal
1 cup 1% milk
2 slices white bread toasted
2 teaspoons margarine
2 tablespoon grape jelly
1 cup coffee
3 teaspoons sugar
1 tablespoon half & half
Fast-food hamburger with cheese
1 medium order French fries
16 ounce cola
1 ounce cheese snack crackers
1 cup apple juice
2 slices pepperoni pizza (1/4 large pizza)
2 cups tossed salad (iceberg lettuce)
2 tablespoons ranch dressing
1 2-inch-square brownie
½ cup vanilla ice cream
2 ounces M & Ms candy
After you have created a new menu for Jennifer, answer thefollowing questions:
• (2 pts) According to the Dietary Reference Intake values(DRIs), what is the AI for total fiber for a 20-year-old woman?With your suggested meal changes and additions, would Jennifer meether day’s recommended intake for fiber?
• (2 pts) What is the Adequate Intake (AI) for total fiber fora 20-year-old man? With your suggested menu changes, would thefiber content for this day’s intake meet a man’s fiberrecommendations?
• (3 pts) Which of the foods you suggested contained thehighest amount of soluble fiber? List two benefits of diets rich insoluble fiber.
• (3 pts) Which of the foods you suggested contained thehighest amount of insoluble fiber? List two benefits of diets richin insoluble fiber.
The original menu provides more than 150 grams of added sugar,which is more than 20% of the total calories. The DietaryGuidelines recommend that we all reduce our intake of solid fatsand added sugars.
• (3 pts) What are a few of the potential nutritional andhealth effects of consuming excessive amounts of added sugar?
• (2 pts) Which five foods from the original sample menu wouldyou guess contributed the most added sugars to Jennifer’sdiet?
• (5 pts) In addition to increasing her fiber intake, Jenniferwould also like to reduce her intake of added sugars. Help herIdentify at least five ways to reduce added sugar in the originalmenu provided. Remember to suggest lower sugar alternatives, notjust eliminate foods.
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