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Case Study for Written Assignment Case Scenario Chan Tai Man is 52 years old man and lives alone. He walks with stick and has hypertension and hyperlipidemia with regular follow up. He slipped and fell from staircase in shopping mall after dinner with friends on 22 February, 2021 at 11:30. He landed on left wrist and complained of left wrist pain with limited movement. Then, his friends sent Tai Man to Emergency Department ad X- ray revealed fracture left distal radius. He is then transferred to ward for further management. You are the case nurse of Chan Tai Man. By referencing from the following information, using the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model of Nursing as framework to devise a care plan for him in relation to his TWO nursing problems. 1. Patient Initial Assessment Record 2. Falls Risk Assessment & Intervention Record 3. Norton Scale Assessment & Prevention Interventions of Pressure Injury 4. Wound Assessment and Management Chart 5. Pain Assessment & Intervention Chart 6. Modified Early Warning Scores 7. Intake & Output Chart 8. Integrated Treatment / Progress Notes Care plan should include a problem statement with nursing problem, etiology, +/- evidence, goal, nursing interventions with rationales. Students are required to upload the care plan via Blackboard AND TURNITIN on or before 21 March, 2021 @23:59 (Sunday). Marks will be deducted for late submission (10% of marks will be deducted each day). The College takes plagiarism very seriously and adopts zero tolerance to plagiarism. Students will receive a Grade F in the first attempt as warning and de-registration of studies in the second attempt (Student Handbook 2020/2021, section 3.6).
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