Case study

Joe works in a community centre where Susannah attends Englishlanguage classes. She has three children who attend a play group atthe centre. Joe has noticed that Susannah has bruises on her faceand arms and that two of the children have bruises on the backs oftheir legs.

Joe is concerned about Susannah and her children. He is findingit hard to sleep at night and is staying back at the communitycentre after his shift finishes so that he can spend a few minutestalking to Susannah.

He has offered to drive her home and to pick her and thechildren up in the morning. Joe has also approached a policeofficer who is a friend of his and told him about his concerns. Hehas given the police officer Susannah’s address and asked him todrive past her house and check on her welfare.

1. What would Joes actual responsibilities be?

2. in Western Australia, anyone who is concerned that a child issuffering any form of abuse or neglect should report their concernsto the Department of Communities.

However, there are certain occupations that are classed asmandatory reporters.

  1. Who are mandatory reporters?
  2. What are mandatory reporters specifically required toreport?

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3. what safety issues should Joe consider before he offers todrive Susannah and her children?

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