Patient Name DOB Allergies
Raja Lautu 2/23/19XX Benzalkonium chloride
Attending MRN OtherInformation
Elizabeth H. Williams, MD 224-86-564 Schedule DXA prior to startingbrachytherapy.

Raja Lautu, a 42-year-old woman, has arrived at the office forher annual gynecologic physical. After her physical exam, she isscheduled for her annual digital mammogram. The digital mammogramresults reveal a small, abnormal density close to the chest wall onthe right breast. Stereotactic fine-needle breast biopsy reveals agrade II infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC). Dr. Williams refersRaja to a radiation oncologist for treatment. She will most likelybe treated with brachytherapy.

What is the difference between brachytherapy andteletherapy?What should you tell Raja to help prepare her for herradiation treatment?

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