Case Study: Peter Griffin is a 75 year old male who is admittedto the hospital for an acute bowel obstruction secondary to a newdiagnosis of large bowel carcinoma. Upon exam, his abdomen isdistended and he is complaining of intermittent diffuse painthroughout his entire abdomen but mostly localized to the RLQ andLLQ. His VS are BP 127/65, HR 110, Pain 8/10, SpO2 94% RA. His Labsare as follows: WBC 16.9 HgB 10.4 HCT 30.6 Na 132 K 2.7 BUN 31 SCr2.6 Albumin 2.9
Based on the VS, what would you be worried about and whatinterventions would you want to initiate? Looking at the labresults, what abnormalities do you see and how would you intervene?Over the course of Mr. Griffins stay he requires the placement ofan NGT. You have been taking care of him for quite some time andyou notice that during his NGT feeds he starts getting SOB withincreased WOB. What steps would you take at this point to aid thepatient?