Case Study Progress:

Knowing H.G.’s vital signs, you do an assessment and auscultatedecreased breath sounds and crackles the right base posteriorly.Her right middle and lower lobes percuss slightly dull. She splintsher right side when attempting to take a deep breath. She does nothave a productive cough, chest pain, or any anxiety. You suspectthat she is developing atelectasis.

9. Identify three outcomes that you expect for H.G, as aresult of your interventions.?

10. H.G.’s sister questions you, saying, “I don’t understand.She came in here with a bad gallbladder. What has happened to herlungs?” How would you respond?

11. Despite your interventions, 4 hours later H.G. is notimproved. Using SBAR, what would you report to the physician?

12. The physician orders a CXR. Radiology calls with a report,confirming that H.G. has atelectasis. Will that change anythingthat you have already planned for H.G.? Explain what you would dodifferently if H.G.. had pneumonia.

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