Case study scenario:

You have been hired as the unit supervisor of the new covid -19unit at Yanbu general Hospital. You have been assigned to do staffing and scheduling for this unit,but you must adhere to the following constraints:

1. All staff must be licensed.
3.An RN must always be on duty.
4.Your unit capacity is 10 patients, and you anticipate a daily average census of not lessthan 9 patients.
5.You may use any mode of patient care delivery model.

Your patients are covid -19 patients not in critical state but needhospital admission. Many other disciplines (health professional),including respiratory therapist, and social workers are part of thecare team. You anticipate that most of your patients will needrespiratory care, isolation precautions, and ordinary nursingcare.

Your newly hired staff is willing to experiment with any type ofpatient care delivery model and staffing pattern that youselect.

Based on the previous information answer the followingquestions:

1.Determine how many RNs (nurse specialist)andnurse technician are needed to cover the unit work all over the day. Explain how did you choose this number ofstaff and explain why?
2.Determine which patient care delivery model you will use andexplain why?
3.Determine which scheduling pattern or option you will use. Explain why? and how you made yourchoice.
4.Next, show a 24-hour and 7-day staffing pattern. “Write a schedulefor 14 days to your staff.”
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