Cellular regulation: cancer -breast cancer

I – Introduction (3 marks)

  • Describe the Concept Assigned
  • Cite studies conducted in Saudi Arabia
  • Cite Studies conducted internationally, citing the country

II – Discussion

  • Summarize the literature / studies based on the following:( 3  marks )
  1. Population ,
  2. Research problems
  3. Methodology ( Design, statistical methods utilized)
  4. Findings
  5. Conclusion

  • Cite the similarities / differences of each study (3  marks )

III – Conclusion  

  • Based on the findings of several studiesutilized,  formulate your conclusion as to significanceof the  concept  in the following fields ofnursing: ( 3 marks )
  1. Nursing Practice
  2. Nursing  Education
  3. Nursing Research

  • Make a Concept map  based on theconclusion  ( 3 marks )
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