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Chapter 2 – RESPONSIBLE USE OF APPLIED BEHAVIOUR ANALYSIS PROCEDURES Multiple Choice (10 marks) 1. refers only to procedures derived from experimental analysis of human behaviour. a) cognitive modification b) behaviour modification c) systematic analysis d) all of the above 2. Aversive or exclusionary procedures may create problems in ALL BUT ONE of the following ways: a) their misuse is common and often defined by the users as behaviour modification b) their use is always appropriate when administered by professionals c) their use causes more concern than other behavioural procedures d) all of the above 3. The goal of behaviour analysts is to the number of options available to people. a) decrease b) neutralize c) increase d) limit 4. Which of the following is NOT important to the consumers of education (students, parents, comm a) goals b) procedures c) outcomes d) standardized assessment instruments 5. Voluntary participation is facilitated by: a) avoiding threats and incentives that are too powerful b) involving the subjects of the program in selecting as few aspects of the program as possible c) both a and b d) none of the above 6. The following procedures should be administered only under the supervision of a qualified instruc a) shaping b) aversives c) exclusion d) all 7. In learning applied behaviour analysis procedures, good supervision includes: a) training and observation b) training and evaluation c) training and implementation d) both a and b 8. For those students with maladaptive behaviours and limited adaptive behaviours in their repertoire, the teacher may need to: a) just ignore the maladaptive behaviours b) eliminate the maladaptive behaviours first c) tech adaptive behaviours as soon as possible d) both b and 9. The relationship between behaviour and the environment is: a) unilateral b) reciprocal c) parallel d) linear 10. Teachers are accountable to: a) administrative supervisors b) parents of their students c) the community d) all of the above True or False (5 marks) 11. Humanists often perceive any systematic effort to change behaviour as coercive and inhumane. True False 12. Behavioural approaches are less difficult to implement than most other procedures. True False 13. The term ‘behaviour modification’ refers ONLY to procedures derived from the experimental analysis of human behaviour. True False 14. Research has shown that when positive reinforcement is used, intrinsic motivation is decreased. True False 15. Behaviour analysis has the power to remove the ability of the individual to choose alternative responses True False
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