John had his annual physical withhis physician and after receiving his blood work results, hisdoctor is extremely concerned. John’s total cholesterol is 309. HisHDL is 25 and his LDL is 220. His triglycerides are 320. John eatsfast food every day, usually twice per day. His favoriterestaurants are Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonald’s.
- Explain in detail why John’s doctor is concerned about hisblood work. What are the risks of having high total cholesterol?LDL? Triglycerides?
- Explain in detail the difference between HDL and LDLcholesterol levels.
- What are the risks of having an HDL of 25?
- What are the recommended healthy ranges for total cholesterol,HDL, LDL, and triglycerides?
- What specifically can John do in changing his lifestylebehaviors to increase his HDL and decrease his total cholesterol,LDL, and triglycerides?
- Describe what would be healthier options for John to order fromKFC and McDonald’s. Why specifically are they healthierchoices?
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