Choose from the following options
1. The best definition of communication:
- Persuading someone of your viewpoint.
- Exchanging messages.
- Texting someone.
- Simplifying information for a lay audience.
2. The term that is related to thephysical space between people:
- Voice level.
- Proximity-
- Physical Appearance.
- Gestures.
3. How does a receiver decode a message?
- Use their language skills.
- Apply their own frame of reference.
- Listen to the message being sent.
- Confirm that a message was received properly.
4. How is emotion expressed in verbalcommunication?
- By frowning or crossing one’s arms.
- Language choice.
- Tone of voice.
- Through confidence.
5. What is the wrong option about communication inhealthcare:
- Patients can understand your emotion through your tone ofvoice.
- Health care workers should cross their arms when speaking withpatients.
- Health care workers must always be conscientious to touchpatients with kindness and respect.
- You will need to communicate with co-workers, patients,administrators and visitors.
6. Which option is considered audience?
- To describe a new type of insulin pump.
- We need to lower the rate of adverse reactions.
- Nurses at the hospital.
- Friday at 3 am.
7. Which of the following terms or sentences should beused by the HCP when communicating with their patient or familymember?
- Harmful OR Adverse
- Hypertension OR High Blood Pressure
- Diabetes OR High blood Sugar
- You are suffering flu OR Your flu test was positive
Q2. Answer with True or False (1 Mark each)
1. Level of health literacy of a person can be knownthrough his university/school degree.
A. True
B. False
2. Anxiety can affect the person’s ability tounderstand, follow, and use health informationeffectively.
A. True
B. False
3. As a HCP you should consider each patient you arecommunicating with a person with limited healthliteracy.
A. True
B. False
4. Kinesics is the interpretation of body motioncommunication such as facial expressions and gestures.
A. True
B. False
5. Which of the following is considered an example oflow health literacy? in the patient who:
- Has limited or no access to the Internet.
- Frequently misses appointments.
- Does not fully complete registration forms.
- Follows strictly the treatment plan.
- Is able to name medications by their medical name.
- Identifies his medication by describing its color or shaperather than its name.
- Has difficulty giving a sequential history.