Christine is a 17-year-old student who has been complaining of avery sore throat for the past four days. Despite taking cold andflu medications at home, she feels that her symptoms are gettingworse. She arranges an appointment with her GP. During herassessment, it was identified that Christine had severetonsillitis. Her throat was red and inflamed and Christine wascomplaining of feeling very unwell and finding it difficult andpainful to swallow. In addition, she had a temperature of 38.2°C.In view of her symptoms, her GP decided to refer her to the ear,nose and throat (ENT) department of the local hospital where shewas admitted with infection. She has a history of asthma and mildpanic attacks but no other significant medical history. She alsohas no known drug allergies. Shortly after admission to the wardshe was commenced on an IV infusion of amoxicillin 1 g. After fiveminutes of the infusion commencing, she developed a red rash on herface and upper chest. She also appeared to be extremely anxious andwas pointing to her throat which was swollen. She was finding itvery difficult to breathe and on closer examination, an audiblewheeze could be heard. The staff nurse present is concerned andcalls for help. Vital signs are recorded and are as follows:Respiratory rate: 32 breaths per minute BP: 95/56 mmHg Heart rate:115 beats per minute.

Q.1 Discuss how you would assess Christine to confirm that shehas developed an anaphylactic reaction. (do complete emergencyassessment to this patient).

Q.2 How would you distinguish this from a panic attack?

Q.3 What is the immediate care that needs to be given to thispatient? With rational and explanations.

Q.4 what other medications and intervention could be given tothis patient? “rational”

Q. 5 write a complete Nursing care plan to this case.

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