Christmas, 36 years old, G3P3, is suffering from postpartumhemorrhage due to uterine atony. She gave birth 4 days ago to a38-week baby girl via vaginal delivery with right mediolateralepisiotomy. What possible factors possibly contributed to thepostpartum hemorrhage? What priority interventions will youconsider when caring for this woman? Include the concepts of EINCand SDG in your discussion.

4. Your girl best friend who is enrolled in a non-health-relatedcollege degree is currently diagnosed with polycystic ovarysyndrome. As a nursing student, how will you explain this conditionto her? In simple terms, how will you discuss the pathophysiologyof the illness? She is very fearful of so many things such ashaving problems with self-image and reproductive abilities. Howwill you comfort her? What medical and non-medical advices can yougive her?

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