Circle T for therapeutic, and N for not therapeutic. If nottherapeutic, write what the nurse could have said to betherapeutic.
Defending Disapproving/disagreeing Expressing doubt FalseReassurance Focusing Giving advice Giving broad opening Givingrecognition Minimizing feelings Probing Requesting an explanationRestating Suggesting collaboration Summarizing Verbalizing theimplied Making an observation
1. A patient complains to the head nurse that she wants adifferent staff nurse assigned to talk to her. The head nurse tellsthe patient that all the nurses are trying the best they can, giventhat they are short staffed today.
2. During a session with a patient the nurse said, “Let’sreview the progress you have made this week with managing youranger.”
3. A patient said to the nurse, “I’m all washed up, it is theend of the road for me.” The nurse said, “Oh, I have heard thoseexpressions before.”
4. A student nurse asks the patient if he would like his helpto shower this morning and put clean clothes on.
5. The student nurse introduced herself to a new patient andsaid, “What was the reason you were hospitalized yesterday?”
6. The student nurse speaks to the same patient he spoke to atlength the week before, and began by saying, “What would you liketo discuss with me today about your hospitalization?”
7. The student nurse says to a patient, “Don’t cry, everythingwill work out for the best.”
8. The patient shared that he had sex with a man for the firsttime last week. The nurse replied by asking if he wasmarried.”
9. The patient asked the nurse, “Do you think I should divorcemy husband?” The nurse said, “Well, if I were you I would, but Ican’t tell you what to do.”
10. The nurse approached a patient who was walking toward herand the nurse said, ‟It looks like you just brushed yourhair.”
11. A patient gives only a one word answer, or no answer tothe nurse’s questions or comments.
The nurse responds by saying, “It seems that you don’t reallyfeel like talking right now.”
12. List six outcomes for the orientation phase of thetherapeutic NP relationship.
13. What is the difference between connotative and denotativemeaning of communication? Give an example
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