Client: Betsy Rossland

Age 82 GenderF Weight150 lbHeight5’2” RaceAfrican American

Allergies No Known Allergies

Attending Dr. T. Jefferson

Past MedicalHistory – Hypertension, hard of hearing,glaucoma, seizures, incontinence, hyperlipidemia and chronic kidney disease.Liveswith her daughter.

Present History of Illness- Recently discharged from the hospitalwith Dx: UTI. Alert and orientated x 3.Being admitted to a skilled nursing facility forphysical therapy and antibiotics. Currently uses a walker for mobility. Independent ambulation previously.

Betsy just arrived at your skilled facility with her daughter. The admission paperworkis finished, and you have just completed your geriatric assessment. Now it istime to reconcile the medications before you call thedoctor.

9.Are any of Betsy’s other medications of concern togive?
•metrapolol 100 mg everyday PO
• furesomide 40 mg twice daily PO
• Atorvastatin 50 mg once daily PO
•Aspirin 81 mg once daily PO
•pilocarpine 2% eyedrops twice daily

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