Compare the hormonal controls of the male reproductive cyclewith the hormonal controls of the female reproductive cycle.

How are they the same?

How are they different?

Case Study A 26-year-old female complained of severe, dull,aching pain, and cramping in the lower abdomen. There were no otherphysical findings. A laparoscopy revealed the presence of ectopicendometrial tissue on the uterine wall and ovaries. Danazol (asynthetic androgen and inhibitor of gonadotropins), 600 mg/day, wasprescribed for up to nine months to inhibit ovulation, suppress thegrowth of the abnormal endometrial tissue, and achieve appreciablesymptomatic relief, with a 30% possibility of conception afterwithdrawal of the therapy.

What is this condition called? W

hat causes it?

What is ectopic endometrial tissue?

What is the rationale for using danazol, a gonadotropininhibitor?

Why do you think oral contraceptives could also be used as atreatment?

Is surgical treatment an option, why? Why not?

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