Question: Consider the following excerpt of a figure from your text (Fig
31.9). Keep in mind that auxin ret…

Consider the following excerpt of a figure from your text (Fig
31.9). Keep in mind that auxin retains or loses a proton depending
on its location in the plant stem.

Question: Consider the following excerpt of a figure from your text (Fig31.9). Keep in mind that auxin ret...

For each of the following statements, indicate whether after an
auxin molecule has diffused into a cell it would then move: away
from the meristem, toward the meristem, or have no movement in any

1. PIN proteins are located on the apical side of the cell
membrane only
abc 2. PIN proteins are located on the lateral side of the cell
membrane only
abc 3. PIN proteins are found on both the apical and lateral sides of
the cell
abc 4. There are no PIN proteins on the cell membrane
a. away from the meristem
b. have no movement in any direction

toward the meristem

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