Considering The Covid 19 pandemic create a communication andtraining plan to inform each person involved in a NF on infectioncontrol prevention and procedures that are pertinent to theirroles.
1) Think through which staff groups need to know about whataspects of infection control, then write a detailed plan for stafftraining on infection control which includes the followingelements:
a. Create a list of topics about which all departments shouldbe trained. Every department should receive some level of training,including the business office.
b. Create an additional list in which you identify what topicsyou would cover for each department in the nursing facility, inaddition to those covered in subpart a. For example, which staffmembers should receive sharps training or which should receivetraining on cross contamination of food.
c. Include the frequency of retraining for each topic.
2) Discuss what infection control messages are important forfamily members, visitors, and vendors.
a. How would you inform these groups of infection controlinformation?
b. Include the media and methods you would use.
3) Think about messaging approaches have been used over thelast year in your environments (work, school, home, neighborhood,community, etc.) to inform and educate people on COVID-19prevention and control. Which approaches have been successful andwhy?
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