1. A child is admitted to the intensive care unit with third-degreeburns. How would your nursing care plan differ for a child in eachof the stages listed below? Be sure to include the type of dialogyou would use to explain painful procedures to each agegroup.
a. Toddler:
b. Preschooler:
c. School-aged child:
d. Adolescent:
2. No two parents are the same in their methods ofraising children. Although there aren’t always clear-cut right orwrong ways to raise children, some parents justseem to do a better job of it than others. Interview some of yourfriends to find out how successful they feel their parents were inraising them. Ask them about their parents’ methods of discipline,motivation, and encouragement. Compare their answers with your ownthoughts about how you were raised by your parents. What isnursing’s role in promoting good parenting?