Daniel is a 30-month-old male who comes to clinic with his motherfor evaluation of cough and wheezing. The cough is frequent andnonproductive and is worse at night; he does not appear to be shortof breath, however, he has limited his normal physical activitiesand just wants to sit watching T.V. His appetite is decreased, buthe is drinking fluids well. He has no fever. He has not hadvomiting or diarrhea. He has no sick contacts.
He was born at term via spontaneous vaginal deliver; his mother hadearly prenatal care. He has been staying on his growth curve andhas been at normal range for psychomotor development. He has had alot of upper respiratory infections, but he is in daycare becausemom works full-time. His parents do not smoke; they do have a dogin their household. His family history is significant for asthma inhis father when he was a child and chronic allergies in hismother.
What physical findings are you looking for to help determine thediagnosis (Dx)?
List some social determinants of health (SDOH) this patient has ormay improve.