Dave is a 46-year-old attorney with a family history of heartdisease (his father had a heart attack at the age of 56) whoserecent blood tests reveal high blood LDL cholesterol andtriglyceride levels. His doctor has advised him to eat less fat inhis diet. Dave is a self-confessed “foodie” and he enjoys wine andcheese at several social functions each week. He cooks with “real”butter at home and uses half milk and half cream in his coffee.Although fairly inactive, Dave keeps his weight stable at 170pounds. He is 5 feet 10 inches tall.
1. What factors may be contributing toDave’s elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels?
2. From the history given, identify the main sourcesof saturated fat in Dave’s diet. What are some reasonable changeshe could make to lower his intake of saturated fat from thesefoods?
3. Assume Dave eats about 2000 kcalories a day andthat his doctor has advised him to limit his fat intake to 35percent of his daily kcalories. Refer to the “How to” feature (p.160) of this chapter
to calculate his personal Daily Value forfat.
4. According to the 2015 – 2020 DietaryGuidelines for Americans, what is the maximum percentage ofkcalories from saturated fat that Dave should consume each day?Remembering that 1 gram
of fat contains 9 kcalories, calculate the maximumgrams of saturated fat that Dave should eat each day based on hisdaily intake of 2000 kcalories.