Define the purpose of clean-catch or midstream urinetesting.

  • What would be an example of an abnormal finding for thistest?
  • How would you prep your patient for this test?
  • Can any part of this testing be delegated?

Define the purpose of timed urine testing.

  • What would be an example of an abnormal finding for thistest?
  • How would you prep your patient for this test?
  • What is the nursing care required during the test?
  • Can any part of this testing be delegated?

Define the purpose of a throat culture.

  • How would you prep your patient for this test?
  • What is the nursing care required during the test?
  • Can any part of this testing be delegated?

Define the purpose of a sputum culture.

  • How would you prep your patient for this test?
  • What is the nursing care required during the test?
  • Can any part of this testing be delegated?

Why would you need contrast mediaduring testing? What is a safety consideration when using contrastmedia?

Explain the difference between directand indirect visualization procedures and give an example ofeach.

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