- Define the purpose of Lumbar Puncture.
- What would be an example of an abnormal finding for thistest?
- How would you prep your patient for this test?
- What is the nursing care required during the test?
- What nursing care is required after the test?
Define the purpose of Bone marrow biopsy.
- What would be an example of an abnormal finding for thistest?
- How would you prep your patient for this test?
- What is the nursing care required during the test?
- What nursing care is required after the test?
Define the purpose of Liver biopsy.
- What would be an example of an abnormal finding for thistest?
- How would you prep your patient for this test?
- What is the nursing care required during the test?
- What nursing care is required after the test?
Define the purpose of paracentesis.
- What would be an example of an abnormal finding for thistest?
- How would you prep your patient for this test?
- What is the nursing care required during the test?
- What nursing care is required after the test?
Define the purpose of thoracentesis.
- What would be an example of an abnormal finding for thistest?
- How would you prep your patient for this test?
- What is the nursing care required during the test?
- What nursing care is required after the test?