Develop a four week long resistance training program for theathletic (pick a sport such as soccer or basketball- not ‘gainmuscle’ or ‘lose fat’) population of either high school,collegiate, or professional.

3-4 days per week, designate what day of the week; Monday,Wednesday, etc etc.

Goal of sport population must align with either strength ORmuscular endurance OR hypertrophy OR power. NOT toning or weightloss.

Indicate the training goal(s)

Include the days for training, the approximate estimated time tocomplete each session, and all components of the trainingsession:

Warm up (exercise selection in order, volume)
Cool down (exercise selection in order, volume)*Specify if warm upand cool down will be the same for all training sessions or if itwill change based on the day.

Workout [exercise selection in order (ABC/123 designation),volume, load, rest] FOR EACH TRAINING SESSION

Please indicate progressions of numbers, exercises, or othertraining variables from week to week by using a highlight or othercolor indication to clearly show your intended changes.

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