Disability Course: Work with diverse people


Ayala is from Israel. She is of a Jewish culture and very keento fulfil all her faith obligations. She however is a bitintolerant of other Clients’ cultures and faith backgrounds. Shehas only been in your Nursing home for 3 days but already says thatshe does not like her next door neighbour as she is always prayingand mentioning Jesus. Ayala’s neighbour Jasper is feeling dejectedas a result of this. Jasper would like to continue enjoying herfaith as she does not force anyone to follow it. All she does ispray in her room and she is used to mentioning “thank you Jesus”especially when she is happy Jasper’s old time friend of 10 years(Suzette) has come to visit Jasper when you are on shift. Suzetteonly speaks Jasper’s vernacular (Kikuyu) and Jasper has chosen herto be her (Jasper’s) advocate to receive all necessary informationfrom the Nursing Home in relation to Jaspers wellbeing.

1.) What can you, asa carer who is conscious of the need for all clients to enjoy apsychologically safe environment do to ensure that Ayala’s nextdoor neighbour feels safe and valued too?

  1. If there is still no easy way to reach a compromise betweenAyala and Jasper, what next would you do?
  1. How will you communicate with Suzette as she cannot speak inEnglish
  1. If Suzette could understand a fair bit of English, how else canyou ensure she gets the full meaning of what you would bediscussing with her?
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