Doll and Hill’s Table V presents data on the relationshipbetween tobacco smoking and mortality from several differentdiseases. What specifically does the table indicate regarding therelationship of smoking and mortality from “Other cancer”? Issmoking more strongly related to mortality from Lung cancer or from”Other cancer”? Do the data indicate a dose-response relationshipbetween tobacco smoking and mortality from “Other cancer”?
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Richard Doll and A. Bradford Hill. (1956). LUNG CANCER AND OTHER CAUSES OF DEATH IN RELATION TO SMOKING: A SECOND REPORT ON THE MORTALITY OF BRITISH DOCTORS, BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL TABLE V.Standardized Death Rates Per Year Per 1,000 Men Aged 35 Years or More, in Relation to the Most Recent Amount Smoked* Death Rato Among: Cause of No. of Men Smoking Non- Deaths Death ANI AII a Daily Average of Men smok- Smok- ers ers 15- 25 g. or 24 g. More Lung cancer 847 0.81 0.07 0.90 0.47 0.86 1.66 Other cancer 220 2.02 2.04 2.02 2.01 1.56 2-63 Other respiratory diseases 126 1.10 0.81 1.13 1.00 1.11 1.41 Coronary throm- bosis 508 4.78 4.22 4.87 4.64 4.60 5.99 Other causes :: 779 6.79 6.11 6.89 6.82 6.38 7.19 All causes 1,714 15.48 13.25 15.78 14.92 14.49 18.84 14 g.
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