Please answer the following questions reagrding the fetal heartmonitoring strip. Thank you.

EFM 1 WIOS TEZE 구 240.00 . Page Time Frame Analyzed Baseline FHR: Contractions: Frequency: MVUs: Accelerations: Y/N Is this

P95/459 04/09/14 05:58 40 pm FHR 240 lip FHR 240 bpm 210- 210 210 100 150 pando 16 20 04/09/14 0600 na Ho CA DRUL im Me crimi

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EFM 1 WIOS TEZE 구 240.00 . Page Time Frame Analyzed Baseline FHR: Contractions: Frequency: MVU’s: Accelerations: Y/N Is this strip overall reassuring & why or why not? Variability Duration: Adequate? Decelerations? Y/N FHR classification: (circle one) Type and interpretation Category Category II Category III P95/459 04/09/14 05:58 40 pm FHR 240 lip FHR 240 bpm 210- 210 210 100 150 pando 16 20 04/09/14 0600 na Ho CA DRUL im Me criminal Page 7
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