Employee Policy Assignment Students will work eitherindividually or in pairs to research an emerging or changing topicrelated to employee policy and will prepare a 3-5 page researchbrief, as well as a 10-minute “Toolbox Topic” Type PolicyCommunication Session Your research brief must describe the policy,why it is necessary, and any regulation that drives it. Finally,students will demonstrate effective employee communicationskills/employee relations skills in delivering a 10-12 minutesession on the policy. You may choose from the following policiesfrom the organization of your choice: ***You will need a copy ofthe handbook page, if applicable, showing the policy language thatemployees would see.
Expanded FMLA for COVID
COVID-related Guidelines for the Workplace
Overtime Rule
Off-the-clock work
Marijuana use
Paid-parental leave
Paid-care giver leave
Extended EEO protections
Safe Driving Policy
Smoke-free Workplace
Use of Social Media in the Workplace
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Workplace Harassment
Weapons in the Workplace
Early retirement program