ESL 91 Spring ’21Punctuation Quiz #2

Directions. Some ofthe sentences below are incorrectly punctuated, but others arecorrectly punctuated. Please rewrite the incorrect ones correctly.The correct sentences should be left as is.

1.The winter had beenvery cold so the spring should be mild.

2.Milagros could youplease bring me the newspaper?

3.When I left on mytrip, I forgot to bring my laundry detergent.

4.Infactthe spring recessis about to start next week.

5.The thief stole thejewelry from my mother’s cabinet however the cash was notstolen.

6.Many people believethat Donald Trump won the election but there are many others whothink he lost.

7.Unfortunatelymy team lost thegame but I won’t give up hope for them in the nextgame.

8.When you go to thesupermarket don’t forget to buy the oranges, andapples.

9.The day was toowarm for a jacket, Maria wore one anyway.

10.Many cars comeequipped with heated seats, but mine does not.
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