Ethical considerations are important when selecting participantsin a study or providing health care services. “The ethicalfoundation of the Common Rule is the Belmont Report, whichestablished the principles of beneficence, justice, and autonomy ascentral to human subjects research” (Ennever, 2018). A study wasconducted in Guinea for the Ebola vaccine from June 2014 to July2015. The ethical considerations for this study were thepossibility of harm caused to patients due to incorrectcommunication. The beginning of the study led to some resistance ingetting the vaccination due to fear, and the refusal of treatment.This also led to a delay in care, and an increased number ofinfections among health care workers. The Guinean National Ethicscommittee was involved with this study to review the processes andmake protocols more culturally sensitive (Beavogui et al., 2016).The ethical considerations in research are similar to ethicalconsiderations when providing health care services because theyboth are intended to provide adequate care without adverselyaffecting the rights and well-being of the patients and/orparticipants (Ennever, 2018).
1. According to the statement what can you agree and ordisagree
Research was performed to determine treatment option in patientsthat were Jehovah Witness. The ethical consideration includedchoosing participants that did not have judgement on the use ofblood products (Wilop & Osieka, 2018). By choosing participantswithout ethical concerns with blood products assisted with makingthe research nonbiased. Ethical considerations are important inhealth care to determine to proper care to give to patients. Forexample, Jehovah Witness’ do not accept blood products due toreligious purposes. With this restriction, it is important thathealth care staff understand optional treatment options and respecttheir beliefs. It is important that treatment options are performedwith individuals with the same background to show the effectivenessof the treatments. It is important that health care staff completecourses on ethics to provide patients with respect when deliveringcare.
2. According to the statement above what can you agree and ordisagree.