Read clinical case and identify the ethical situations present,indicate compliance with ethical principles and describe eachprinciple.

This case is about two older sisters, who lived alone in a house,which was in poor general condition. One of them, the eldestsuffered from bone cancer, a diagnosis that was only known by theyounger sister, not by the person who suffered from it. The otherold woman (younger sister) was her caregiver who she reportedhaving health problems, they were visited by the older sister’s sonwho brought them food and money to pay the bills.

The sisters were insistent a while ago in the office. The cancerwas treated with paracetamol, of which he ingested about 6 tabletsa day. This story was observed by two nursing students when theymade a home visit, when they saw what happened with the two elderlywomen, they communicated it in the primary care center (where theywere doing their practice) to the nurse who was in charge of them,but this one answered them that it was a “mess” because he was theson who did not want the old women to treat each other and that shedid not want to get involved in a judicial issue, that the bestthing was to leave things like that.

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