Evidence Appraisal Report

PICO(T) Question

Question: Does antibacterial foam decrease bacteria count onhands as much as hand washing with soap and water?

P: hospital nurses

I: using antibacterial foam

C: hand washing with soap and water

O: decreased bacteria count

Keywords: antibacterial foam, bacteria, handwashing with soapand water

Literature Review: The Search

·        Identify thesurrogate or keywords / key phrase for each PICO Element and recordin the table below.

PICO Element

Search Terms (e.g. Keywords/Key phrase)





·        Conduct aseries of database searches (CINAHL and PUBMED) using keysurrogates/words/key phrases that represent the elements of yourPICO. Goal is to narrow the search results (search hits) to areasonable number that best address the PICO question. Beginsearching by combining population term/s with intervention term/sand precede with different term combinations.

  From the search results identify 1 study that bestrepresent/address the PICO question. The goal is to locate thehighest strength of evidence available to answer the PICO question.Keep in mind that there may not be a publication that exactlyanswers the question. If no one has studied or published researchresults on your topic, you may need to infer from research onsimilar or related topics.

Appraisal of Evidence

·        Analyze thestrength and quality of the article

·        Summarizefindings in the a paper form. Do not give a summary of the articlereviewed.

critically appraise the evidence and determine/discuss the:

o  Evidence Level

o  Quality

Conclusion & Recommendation for Change in ClinicalPractice

·        How does theevidence examined (article) contribute to answering the PICOquestion of interest? Do the pieces of evidence support a practiceinnovation or make recommendation for practice relevant to thequestion of interest?


·        Is the researchbase weak or inconclusive indicating further research is needed tocontribute to the body of evidence before a practice change can beconsidered?

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