Felicia is a 22-year-old single mother of threechildren whose primary source of income is Temporary Assistance forNeedy Families (TANF). This program is designed to help needyfamilies become self-sufficient. She is worried about the futurebecause she will no longer be eligible for this funding by the endof the year. She has been unable to find a job that will pay enoughfor her to afford child care. Her friend Maria said that Feliciaand her children can stay in Maria’s trailer for a short time, butFelicia is afraid that her only choice after that will be ashelter.

Felicia recently took all three children with her tothe health department because 15-month-old Hector neededimmunizations. Felicia was also concerned about 5-year-old Martina,who had had a fever of 100° to 101° F on and off for the pastmonth. Felicia and her friends in the trailer park think that sometype of hazardous waste from the chemical plant adjacent to thepark is making their children sick. Now that Martina was notfeeling well, Felicia was particularly concerned. However, thehealth department nurse told her that no appointments wereavailable that day and that she would need to bring Martina back tothe clinic the next day. Felicia left discouraged because it was sodifficult for her to get all three children ready and on the bus togo to the health department, not to mention the expense. Shethought maybe Martina just had a cold and she would wait a littlelonger before bringing her back. However, she wanted to take careof Martina’s problem before losing her medical card. Felicia isdesperate to find a way to manage her money problems and take careof her children.

What solutions do you recommend for Felicia? Pleasedescribe at least 3 solutions in details and discuss it among eachother with the minimum of two responses.

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